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Where’s the Power?

By May 25, 2011One Comment

It’s mind boggling how much power we need to live our lives, isn’t it?  Power to complete a task.  Power to be a wise and patient mom.  Power to fulfill ministry.  Power to love a husband. Power to overcome a bad habit. Power to change an attitude. Or simply power to do the laundry, wash the dirty dishes and pay the bills.

In the past month I’ve been acutely aware of how much power I need.  I’ve also been painfully aware of how powerless I can sometimes feel.  I’ve been finishing a book proposal, and I’ve often needed resources beyond myself.  Have you ever faced a task where you needed more insight, wisdom, ability or confidence than you could dredge up on your own?  (If not, think motherhood!) I’m betting you have.

This morning I opened the book of Acts and dove in head first.  One message resounded again and again—the early followers of Christ were filled with power, and as a result accomplished the miraculous.  Where did this power come from? Not from themselves, that’s for sure. Their power came directly from God through the Holy Spirit.  Don’t skip over this too quickly.  The same Holy Spirit that filled and empowered the first century world changers, fills and empowers us.

“And you WILL receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…” Jesus promised his little band of disciples in Acts 1:8.


Not if.

Not maybe.

Not possibly.


What task has Christ given you that you need power to accomplish?  You won’t find the power you need in yourself, although we all-too-often live like we’ll find it there.  No, the power you and I need to live a God-sized life comes only from God himself.  That means we have to rely on Him.  Stay connected throughout our day to Him. Pray to Him.  Depend on Him.

The result?  Our lives will be witnesses.  Testimonies.  Billboards.  Not for how awesome we are, but how awesome HE is.

Jesus PROMISED “And you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you WILL be my witness, to Jerusalem, to Judea, to Samaria and even to the ends of the earth.” Wherever you call home—be it California or Colorado, Mississippi or Maine—God wants His power to reverberate through you. He wants to use your life, your work, your family, your circumstance for His glory.  And He will, as you allow the Holy Spirit to work in you.

Lord, Sometimes I feel so weak.  I need power to do what often feels impossible.  Fill me with your Holy Spirit.  Empower me to do what you have put before me this day. I choose to rely upon You, depend upon You and obey You. Thank you that when you fill me up, my life becomes a billboard for You, to my family, my workplace, my neighborhood and my world.  Amen.


More than a Bible teacher, Donna is a self-described Bible explainer. A colorful storyteller who combines Biblical truth with real-life anecdotes, her messages not only help listeners understand God’s Word, but most important, grasp how to live it out in real life.

One Comment

  • Laurie says:

    I just want to tell you how blessed the women of Crossline are to have you. You keep it real. You are a wonderful mentor. You are so approachable. You go thru similar joys and sorrows as we do and you humbly tell us about them. It makes us feel like we are not alone. Thank you!